So, blogging is pretty much like my healthy lifestyle. You have to stick to it to make it a habit. At least I've stuck to the other habits! Eating healthy and working out are really my regular routine now. I seem to be pretty steady at 122 pounds. I still have goals and measurements but the scale is less important now. My bonus weight goal is 118 pounds, but I'm really relaxed about it. That goal weight was based on the Self Magazine Happy Weight quiz, and I'm happy now!
I have found other ways to measure my progress. Some of these are less cut and dry than weight, but in the grand scheme of things more meaningful.
I have gone from size 14 to size 6! This is kind of amazing. Casey thinks that I will end up in a size 4. I am happy either way, but I have been avoiding buying too many new clothes in case she is right....she's already gotten enough pieces of clothing from me! I've also dropped a bra size. I recently purchased a few 34Cs, and they are soooo comfy! Maidenform One Fabulous Fit is the bomb! (wish I could say I was getting swag for saying that).
I am more energetic.
I am happier than I ever have been in my life, though that may be due to this guy:
but, the benefits of pet ownership deserves a separate post (or blog).
I see so many more muscles in my body. I got distracted at work a few weeks ago admiring my cut forearms!
I feel stronger, and am capable of so much more. My favorite yoga pose is Crow. I feel SO strong and confident when I do it. I kind of want to do it all the time!
My relationship with food has become so healthy. I really don't categorize foods as "Good" or "Bad," but I do think about what my food will do for me. I choose foods based on macronutrients as well as my taste. But, if something is maybe nutritionally not so great, but something I love the taste of, I will eat it guilt free. On the other hand, I won't eat an "indulgence" food if it's not something I love. In fact, I won't eat a healthy food I don't love either (unless I am expanding my horizons and trying something new.)
I am feeling more adventurous. I've always been reluctant to exercise in public, but a few weeks ago I went to a Yoga Around Town event. I was nervous, since I don't do "real" yoga, but Jillian Michael's Yoga. The fact that it was at my favorite venue, and there was a glass of wine included in the price helped to get me there. It turned out to be a blast! I kept up with the workout, and it was there that I first nailed Crow. I also can do something called "Full Bind," which Casey assured me was impressive.
I also feel more adventurous in non-fitness ways. I'm going to Puerto Rico in the fall. This will be my first plane ride (unless I win another trip before then). I am not nervous about the flight at all. In fact, my only airplane anxiety revolves around how to get bumped to first class. I am so excited about my trip, and hope to take some surfing lessons with a pro while there! I feel so confident now about my ability to catch waves....I am so much stronger and fitter since the last time I surfed! I'm also so excited to ride in the rainforest, and maybe on the beach. Riding was my first athletic passion.
It has been such an adventure. I still have goals, but perhaps that is for a subsequent post.
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